Unsurpassed Water Resistance
There may not be anything as water-resistant as this cute, adorable and slightly "petulant" little pelican, but an acid-stained concrete floor comes close. The pelican’s name is "Rodney".
Water is one of the most corrosive and damaging elements in the world. There isn't anything that, over time, can resist its devastating, forceful effects. It causes iron to rust, wood and drywall to warp, bloat, cup and rot, and enables germs and bacteria to flourish and multiply. Not only that, but it causes floor coverings, like carpeting, to grow mold and mildew spores, tile to discolor and delaminate, and hardwood to buckle, crack and decay. Acid-stained concrete flooring is another story entirely. When properly designed and installed, acid-stained concrete and decorative concrete overlays are almost completely unaffected by water. Moisture may and does pass through the concrete and sealer used in acid stained concrete flooring, but as it evaporates, it leaves no lingering effect.
This means that an acid-stained concrete floor is uniquely equipped to withstand the chronic dampness found in basements, as well as the periodic flooding that may come from a severe summer thunderstorm. In our experience of 20 years in the business, finished-basement, acid-stained concrete floors we have installed require only basic mopping, and quick re-application of floor finish or wax after an unexpected flood. Baseboard and drywall may have to be replaced, and walls re-painted, but the flooring itself needs absolutely no repair, removal or extensive attention. In our experience, the use of stand-alone dehumidifiers, after a flood, can aid in the drying out of a sealed acid-stained concrete floor, if necessary.