Soccer Madness Sporting Goods
This is a 3,000-square-foot soccer-themed sporting goods store. The top photos show the floor just prior to the beginning of our work. That may look like gray concrete, but it's actually 1/4" of sticky yellow carpet glue covered with black, dry-fall paint from spraying the ceiling. A walk-behind grinder (above right) was used to remove it.
The next photo (above left) shows the clean concrete after several days of grinding. Still unsuitable for staining, though, we resurfaced this concrete with a thin, polymer-modified, white cement overlay (above right). Saw-cuts were then added for accenting, and to add symmetry to the floor.
The photo above left shows the cement overlay after staining and during the application of the sealer. A water-based epoxy and urethane were used because they have no odor and would not be affect neighboring tenants in the shopping plaza. They also provide the high durability and gloss required for a retail environment.
For the acid stain coloring, we used a custom mix of Scofield Antique Amber and Dark Walnut. These two colors are on display in the next four photos of the finished floor. We applied four coats of Spartan's On 'n On floor finish for added protection and maintenance.